Why come for me?

The struggle of being a Black woman this day and age continues to be an ongoing battle for equality. Always having to prove our worth weighs heavily on our shoulders while trying to stay one step ahead. We are constantly double checking or second guessing ourselves on daily tasks. This struggle will make us stronger or break our spirit.

I was taught at a young age to treat everyone the way I would want to be treated and try to live by the Golden Rule every day. I was also taught to keep my head up and don’t let anyone walk over me. Therefore, when these situations happen, I begin to rethink my purpose of what I’m to do and walk away. Why come for me?

It doesn’t matter how many initials one has behind their last name, the number of degrees or the status in society, there will always be a struggle for equality. Education is a powerful tool, an absolute blessing for so many to achieve which should be celebrated. Unfortunately, it’s put on the back burner or overlooked because of apparent differences. Having the drive to rise up and want better for yourself is not open season for negativity.

Please understand if my silence is broken to stand up for what’s right, I’m not angry, I’ve just had enough. Again, why come for me? I enjoy learning ways to work smarter and not harder, I love growing! At the end of the day, as all tasks have been completed and everything in place, time to accept the small victories. Begin to prepare for the next day and look for ways to be more efficient.

This struggle increases my strength and focus for equality and helps those coming up behind me to stay on the same path.

Be Kept!

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About Me

My name is Sonya Jackson, a Registered Nurse who strives to service the community by providing knowledge, and resources to help physically, emotionally, and spiritually uplift and inform.

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